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A friend of mine made a book of her poetry recently, which is very good and she should publish it, and it made me think about all the poems I wrote back in the day. I used to write poetry all the time in my teenage years. For the most part I have not shown them to people. They just sit in old spiral notebooks, but not anymore. Here are a few of my more recent poems.

**The following poems are original works by John A. Kelly Jr.**


As I remember our journey, I was not lonely
None could understand me, just you only
I learned how I could fly, cause you gave me wings
I cherish how you always remembered the little things
     To have your heart I gave mine
     To have your soul I stopped time

As I continue this journey I am left lonely
My heart, body, and soul was for you only
How does the dolphin swim with no sea
How does the eagle nest with no tree
     For your sake all others I forsake
     For your love I will give love

Our journey is one that cannot end
As long as I remember, it begins again
Pieces of your being remain behind
They will continue to spread throughout time
     Death cannot separate love
     I'll meet you again when my journey takes me above



I struggle to escape the anger
I fight to overcome the pain
The question provokingly lingers
Only faith to keep me sane

Mistakes made not by your own hands
Yet you sentence us all to atone
The saga continues a cycle unbroken
Now my heart a cold stone

You fear death and harm
Not for yourselves or your begotten
Nay but those outside your fort
Your loyal oath all but forgotten

A weed of old expelled from your garden
Destroyed it wasn't, it's seeds return
Choking corrupting shallow rooted plants
A lesson you refuse to learn

An emissary to prophesy sent to your door
Unlocked he enters finding you asleep
None keep watch, none guard, none make proclamations
My very soul is where I weep

An order of succession a logical line
Older care for younger the unit the priority
No allegiance can supersede your own creation
Any additional burdens are a minority

Can you defy divine planning
Could your intervention produce disaster
Can your attempts to avert cause the catastrophe
Could your enabling fuel the addiction

What now? Call on your false gods
Read the scrolls for the comfort you seek
Illiterate you are not, but your cerebellum flawed
Denying self reliance makes you weak

Following the slithering snake through the tall grass
Unable to foresee where you are led
A warning given that it will strike you
No promised fortune, you left for dead

The heir to the kingdom imprisoned by a curse
Your actions, and his underlings dictate his release
His own encampment with academy and neophytes
Production stalled until the chaos cease


My path darkens and I walk with shadows
Surrounded by forms familiar and unmistakable
I trod the steps of my progenitors
I taste the tears of their sorrows

My path darkens and I walk with shadows
Disease replicates with reckless abandon
I flee from symbiotic, parasitic constraint
I hear the cries of their pain

My path darkens and I walk with shadows
Emphatically guided by divine probability
I retreat to embrace a destined intermingling
I smell the blood of their leprosy

My path darkens and I walk with shadows
Surrounded by forms familiar and unmistakable
I trod the steps of my progenitors
I feel the inevitability of our sickness


I die again tonight
As I do every time I sleep
I but ponder how daily
I am born only to die again

How wonderful to live in heaven
If only for an instance of time
Just to reincarnate in the morning
Still born in sin

Nothing in life is of consequence
Not in comparison to afterlife
How I embrace my rest
REM, a smile on my face

How special to lay my head down
No fear, just joy
Love, lust, fighting, flying
If only the eternal sleep is the the greater twin

Death the battle is yours
Take me now
Play for keeps
The war I still win


I'm Afraid
Afraid to die, afraid to live another day
I'm Happy
Happy to be alive, happy for the promise of tomorrow

Eat to live, kill to eat, death for life, life means death
Does my death give life to the Gods
as the death of my prey gives life to me, their god

The balance of good and evil, ying and yang
Positive to negative with nothing or 'zero' in between
If only I could be that nothing or zero
Existing for no purpose but to compare to something
As infinite as the Gods being nothing yet something
No life, No death, just existence


I intended a run, a fast run, not a walk
I slow the pace, my fast pace, for a talk
Music in my head, a fast pulse, rhythm for my feet
Press pause, a fast stop, as we meet

An unexpected change of plans happens upon me
A redirected focus to intellect from physicality

An introduction leads to familiarization
An exchange of ideas, thoughts, and observations
How long its been, almost a sin
Since I sparked up simple welcome conversation



  1. Just Killing Time is very deep. It makes me think.


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