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Showing posts from October, 2016

Young Minds

Most everyone knows I have no children so it is vary rare that I interact with any. Just the other day I was coming home from the grocery store and I see two kids hanging out in the street in front of my house. Now I have a little "creek" or drainage ditch in front of my house, and on a couple of occasions I have noticed kids looking for frogs in it. No nevermind to me, they aren't bothering anything unless like that one time they moved the big rocks from the ditch into my yard and I had to move them out the way when I cut the grass. Minor inconvenience so no harm no foul.      So as I pulled in my driveway I get out and get ready to take my groceries in the house when one of the boys hollers at me. I go down to see what he wants and of course its to ask about frogs. I talk to him and his brother about the frogs and how they hide when people come around. We then talk further about animals, hunting, and the circle of life....
JUST RANTING     Some may get the things I say and some may not. Some may think they know me and some might think I'm a stranger. Some may think I am on one side of an issue while some may think I'm on the other. The point is none of that matters. None of it needs to for everyone to do the right thing.      Call it WWJD or DO UNTO OTHERS, or whatever you need to so that things get done. When you believe in commUNITY, and you have love in your heart you help everybody. Not just the people like you or the ones you like, I mean help everybody.      This is especially true to my religious people out there, because I don't know of any major religon that tells you not to love people. They universally state that GOD is about love. Think what that means, and think about what you do for the ones you love. Now think if you felt that way for everybody and examine how different you might treat people.      You can...