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Showing posts from January, 2021

FAILURE (Leadership)

Continuing my series on failure, I want to talk about the failure in leadership that is happening at multiple levels in our society. So many people look to the President, or Congress, or the governor of their state for leadership. We hold contentious elections believing that if we just select the right person then they will alleviate the fears we have and solve the things we think are problems. Some even believe that we must select certain people or a certain party because it and those candidates are ordained and called by God. On the other hand some pick leaders they think will serve the particular interest of people and groups like themselves. They will further their agenda only, even to the detriment of everyone else. So we fight each other online and around the water cooler, and sometimes actually fight each over who we choose as our political leader.      It is this willingness to wholeheartedly give ourselves to these political leaders that is a major reason why our society is cr

FAILURE(Law Enforcement)

  Continuing on the theme of failure I wanted to share some thoughts on the police. Now this is not going to be about getting rid of the police, cause I don't believe that is the right thing to do, nor is it going to be some justification that everything they do is right, cause I know from my time as a police officer that that isn't true. What I want is to hopefully get people to take a step back and look at some of the situations in the last year in particular and give thought to how we can do things better.      So I want to talk about what took place at the US Capital recently. People gathered to express their dissatisfaction with the results of the 2020 election and their support of the president. This is fine, a legally protected right under the constitution. You may not agree with those gathered or the message, but it is their right just like if BLM wants to gather or the million man march, or even shockingly if the KKK wants to gather. In my opinion some of the groups li

FAILURE (Personal)

Throughout my life I have had failures. Anyone that saw me try to play basketball, run track, and wrestle in high school can attest that my athletic career was a failure. I took test in school that I should have got an 'A' on if I had studied and applied myself, and the times I didn't prepare and didn't get an 'A' I consider it a failure. Even more so in the academic realm, I never finished my bachelor's degree in Engineering. Just years worth of credits sitting in limbo to remind me of my failure to finish when many people made sacrifices so I could achieve a higher education. As many know I have never been married and have no children, which I also consider to be a failure on my part. Most importantly, in my walk I have committed sins knowing that it separates my from my savior. Doing it in full knowledge of what Jesus did for me. I have been a failure at living the life that he wants me to live. I say these things to let you know that I understand failure