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“Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes.”
― Steve Martin

Found this quote when I was looking for the real one, and just had to put it in here. Anyway the real idiom is one everybody knows, Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. As we approach the inauguration of a new president I have been hearing some interesting things from the winning side about giving someone a chance. I got to remembering this same moment in time eight years ago and the winning side at that time also saying these things. 

     As I have written and said before people are people. Were still just humans no matter what side of an ideology we choose. We can all do acts of kindness or evil. Therein lies the problem. All humans are imperfect flawed beings, but we like to pretend that the fact that we believe some notion of whats right means we are something more than those who believe different.

     I have met people from all walks of life and from different faiths, race, economic and social  levels, and religions. Your status, your beliefs, your culture is very important, but at the end of the day what you do is what matters. I have met rich people who would throw money down a hole before they use it to help me, and I have met poor people who would share the last bit of food they had with me if I asked. I have met Christians who would crucify me if they had the chance and atheists who would give their life for me. You can talk values all day, but if you don't actually walk the walk, what do you truly value?

     You can talk about being the bigger person when you are on top, but can you be the bigger person when your down. To many people are on their high horse right now, and some people have been for a while. No I am not talking about conservatives or liberals, I am talking about PEOPLE!

     Truthfully ask yourself did you give Obama a chance when he won or did you say he wasn't your president or even an american citizen, or he was a communist, or the Antichrist. Did you send money to campaigns or people who tried to prove these allegations, and supported congressman who stated their only goal in life was to bring the president down. Be honest did you believe something that has since been proven to be false and you haven't ever admitted that to people or on social media where you posted so vehemently when you believed it true. Did you support trying to obstruct everything the president wanted to do for eight years and your criticizing the other side that is saying to do the same thing now. Did you cheer when congress blocked things like infrastructure projects and you are fully in support of them funding it now. Maybe you just turn a blind eye or say nothing when people and parties you support say and do things you know are wrong. Ask yourself how did you act and how are you acting now?

    On the flip side perhaps eight years ago you cheered and were walking on cloud nine, and now your feel like your in a bottomless pit because Trump won the election. He won per the way our system works. We all knew the electoral college is what elects the president before a single vote was cast. Its not the first time it has gone against the actual vote. No one has made a concerted sustained effort to change the system so its what we got. Until its changed whoever gets 270 electoral votes is the president so like it or not its Trump. Reflect on how you are acting now that Obama is leaving. Have you been or are you a part of  groups that don't protest peacefully, but instead try to incite riots and shut down malls and block roadways. Maybe lately you've supported politicians and famous people who say Trump is not their president. Maybe you just turn a blind eye or say nothing when people and parties you support say and do things you know are wrong. Ask yourself how did you act and how are you acting now? 

     The message of this post is encouragement for us all to do some inner soul searching and find out who we are and some outer learning to find who we can be. I think its high time we all get off our high horses and walk for a while. Get back down on the ground and see whats going on in the world. While your down why don't you try walking a mile in someone else shoes, it might give you a different perspective on your life and life in general.



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