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More of HIM and less of ME

So I was thinking about some things and people in my life, and how I am perceived and perceive myself. I spend a lot of time alone so it gives me a chance to reflect on who I am, and who people think I am. The longer I live the more I see just how easy it is to only think of myself and my own desires. Perhaps much of my life has been lived doing just that. So when people think or maybe I start to think that I'm a great person, I have to take a step back and reflect. In my reflection this prose of sorts came into my mind.
     You should be glad that its not ME. You see ME is very concerned about growing his finances, and they don't grow when you give money away. If it were up to ME then anyone that asked for money would be laughed at and mocked for thinking I would work hard so they could get it for nothing. ME would never give money to people anyway since they probably won't even appreciate it. 
     You should be thankful that its not ME. You see ME is concerned about his own happiness. ME would never let things or people in his life that are negative, so ME would only associate with people that could do something that makes his life better.
     You should be praying that its not ME. You see ME wants to rule the world and make things work the way he thinks it should. ME would eliminate the people he doesn't like or thinks are of no use. ME has no forgiveness and would punish any that dared do him wrong, with swift retribution. 
     What you need to understand about ME though is that their is HIM. You see HIM will make ME give to those in need and be charitable with money, not seeking even the slightest of acknowledgement. HIM will cause ME to think about the happiness of others and be self-less not selfish, even enduring pain to ease the suffering of others. HIM will humble and teach ME to love enemies like neighbors, as myself, forgiving as I am also forgiven.

     So for anyone that ever thinks it is ME, please understand that it is all HIM. Let HIM in your life so you don't become ME.


  1. How immensely profound. May God continue his blessings on you.


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