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Insomnia III

     So what of all this, is it just ramblings from someone that can't quiet his mind. Is it crazy babbling from a guy whose indigestion, from eating to much cheesy bread, is making him restless.
     Perhaps its a sort of therapy for something that can't be explained away or forgotten. In the sharing of things that keep us up at night, maybe some of the burden is lifted.
     So what can this vague story really mean. Maybe its about the consequences of actions, and how many people your choices can impact. It could be about the cycle of abuse and how we need to break it before it kills us and innocents caught in the crossfire become collateral damage.
     Might even be a story about fake news, and pushing an agendas to make people feel safe and have confidence in those entrusted with their safety. Could be a story about a conspiracy to hide the truth in murky waters and the heaping of undeserved acclaim on supposed heroes that let his happen when they ignored the signs.
     Truthfully, for me, its just getting this out of my head so I can go to sleep!


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