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Showing posts from May, 2017

Not just Pro Birth

This is not really meant to be a political post, but instead more of a plea. A plea for the children of the world. For those who don't know I am childless, yet that doesn't mean that I don't care for the plight of children. I see many people who talk about keeping children alive, but then nothing else. What were left with is a bunch of children alive and suffering.      Some suffer because they have no one to take care of them. Others because the people who are supposed to take care of them don't. That's why I applaud all those out there that take care of your children and have the heart and will to take care of the children of others.      By now everyone is like "Yeah we know", same old story but your not talking about me. Are you sure I'm not talking about you? Yes you made a child and 'maybe' you take care of them, but what are you doing with them. Are you being a parent? Are you spending quality time with them?  ...