So I am anticipating that my photo has probably got a few peoples attention, and I hope you will stay and read this post. You see I have tried to keep this blog from being about politics. It is mean't to be about things I have seen and observed on my walk through this life. This will touch a topic of great political discourse these days, but I assure you it is still my observations and not some political statement for or against something. As usual I am always just trying to get people to use their minds and not be enslaved. that being said here are some my observations. America is still the greatest country on earth. We have our problems and issues, but it is still founded on great principles and gives more opportunity and safety than most places. I'm sure events such as what happened in Florida recently and things you hear about happening in big cities might make you think otherwise. I challenge you to actually look at crime, economic, and social statistics ...
Hello and welcome to the John A. Kelly Jr. official blog. Here you will find information on my creative works. I also hope to post about books I read and on interesting things I have learned in my walk. Hope you enjoy!