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Maybe Vulcan's are right!

I'm sure you remember Spock from Star Trek. He was a Vulcan, which was a race that prided itself on using logic and suppressing emotions. We as humans may never be able to suppress our emotions, but we can learn to be more logical. Case in point is our facination with turning our feelings into facts and denying actual facts, numbers, and statistics. I have listened for years to people saying I feel like the man is trying to keep me down, or that police are trying to get me. Then I listen as other people say they are foolish for feeling that way. These same people then say they feel like terrorist are plotting to kill them, and the government is trying to take there rights from them yet those feelings are apparentely okay. How about we all recognize that as humans we all have feelings that are dependant on our different situations, but are the same feelings nonetheless. We are dominated by fear and mistrust. If we admit this to ourselves then maybe we can all at the least be more respectful of each other. After that actual conversations that can find resolutions might happen. Perhaps we could then reach the final level were like Vulcan's we learn to look at actual facts, and weigh if they conflict with our feelings. Pursuing logic might lead us to truth.


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