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So I was finishing a run in the park and an old woman came over and struck up a conversation with me. I had noticed her and what I assume to be her daughter over by a tree a lap earlier. Now those who know me know that I am a magnet for random, and sometimes crazy people telling me there life story at any time in public. Mistakenly people have thought they knew me and from time to time I have been mistaken for Don Cheadle. I always go ahead and talk to the people just for the experience. I have noticed that a high percentage of the people who do just randomly talk to me are older. It makes me wonder is it that people these days don't have the same sense of community that used to exist were it was just a normal and friendly thing to strike up conversations with people. Could it be just something about me that makes older people want to talk to me. I have always felt like maybe I was supposed to be born in another time. Perhaps I remind them of that, i.e.. I have an old soul. Anyway I must say that I always love to talk to older people. I gain so much knowledge from the experience they impart on me, so please old people keep it coming. Crazy people though, maybe let up a little on talking with me in the line at Target. If you haven't heard that story from me you need to ask me about it one day. I think it will be the basis for a book in the future. As always please feel free to post and tell me what you think or share your own stories!


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