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Second Civil War II

Continuing with my thoughts on race and division in this country I would like to briefly touch on another lesson from Jesus teachings that I believe can help us overcome our issues with race. Really it is the whole reason for Jesus coming to earth, and that reason is love. The Father loves us so much that he sent the Son down to save us though we don't deserve it.
     Now of course people are automatically going to say we are tired of hearing about love, we want action. Love is not just a feeling and nothing else, that's the furthest thing from the truth. Love should guide your feelings, thoughts, and actions.

     So first off is the lesson of loving your enemy. Its something I have been focusing on in my personal spiritual growth over the last few years. Luckily I get the chance just about everyday to put it to the test, and it makes me stronger. The world says hate people not like yourself, hate people who don't believe what you do. We are told to get back at people who do you wrong. Yet the master teacher says that instead you should love and pray for them. The prayer is not just for them, but for you as well. It stops you from going to their level and being caught in the cycle of hate. A cycle that traps them and separates them from the MOST HIGH, who is love and unity not hate and division.
     Secondly is something that I think many overlook when reading this passage of scripture. Verse 45 ends talking about the sun rising on the evil and the good, rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. It is so easy to look at the the things we have in life and what we have accomplished and start to believe that translates to favor with GOD. We use the people and things of this world as the measuring stick, not following the teachings of the savior. We can start to falsely believe that all that matters is we are successful. The US is the greatest country in the world, and because of that it becomes easy for us to believe everything we do is correct and according to the will of GOD. We wouldn't have the economic and military strength that we do unless we were righteous, unless we were chosen by GOD, so no need to be repentant or change our ways and thinking. No need to examine whether we are truly loving our enemies, something that won't profit us socially, politically, or economically.
     Love offers spiritual profit, and in that respect we are very poor in this country and will continue to be as long as we support, tacitly or overtly, those that spread hate towards enemies instead of love.    


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