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Second Civil War III

This is a final post on the subject and a final encouragement for change in our lives. Above is a map I found on a Reddit thread on alternative maps. This is supposedly after a second civil war. I just thought it looked interesting and others hopefully thought the same and clicked to read this post.
     You see I can only change me and you can only change you. When we all individually change for the better the country will change for the better. So one final thought from the lessons of Jesus that will hopefully at least give you pause in your life and help you have introspection about your daily walk.

     For this country to heal and receive all the blessings from above, we have to learn to forgive. We continue to hate each other because we cannot forgive. We don't forgive because we think that means the other person or people win if we do. We think that means that there will be no justice or repayment or consequence for actions if we forgive. We think about all of that instead of focusing on the truth that we forgive others not for them, but for ourselves. We do it so that we can stand before the MOST HIGH and pray knowing that he forgives us for what we have done.
     I encourage everyone in this country and around the world that we humble ourselves and think about what we have done. Think about how we are not perfect and no matter how great we are or how great our life is, we don't deserve the blessings that we have. We can't earn it and are no more deserving than anyone else. If you recognize this notion then you know that you are forgiven and should in turn forgive.
     For all of us there is probably a person, or group, or political party, or politician, or entire country, or religion, or famous person, or even family member that you have something against. Maybe they did wrong or maybe you just have something against them though they have done nothing to you. We can't hold onto that forever. We endanger our forgiveness from above because we cannot forgive here below.
     Only being concerned with winning on earth could cost you heaven.


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