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Showing posts from April, 2018

Siskel & Ebert

So me and my family used to watch Siskel and Ebert when I was a kid, and always liked to hear what each person thought about a movie they watched. Sometimes they saw things completely different, and its amazing how people can see things so differently. I must also add in that me and my brothers also used to get a kick out of Mystery Science Theater. Those robots would have me rolling, and those movies they watched were so bad I couldn't believe they sometimes had legit stars in them.      Any-who, I just thought I would share some thoughts I have and some that I have heard on a few movies. Lets start with an odd childhood favorite of mine. DUNE So when I was a child in the eighties this movie was just so weird in a scifi way that I have always loved it. I had not read the books back then so I had no idea what it was all about. I have since read many books in the series and have seen the SYFY channel mini series, which are much better, still I love this movie. The a...


So its been a while since I posted anything, but this week I had a conversation that got me to thinking. Thinking about my past and present, and how in some ways its more of the same. Let me first say that this is my opinion based on my personal observations. I will be referring to things that have happened to me or I observed happening in others, and may not be necessarily happening currently.      You see I have been "unique" among those I have worked with and lived around for a lot of my life. This uniqueness extends beyond race to lifestyle choices, religion, social life, but racial difference is usually an easily identifiable thing. Its no secret that where I live and work, the minority population is very small. On its face that doesn't have to mean anything since we are all just people, but we all know the truth that we haven't quite reached that point as a society. Hopefully we will though!      So lets get to the story. A person was telling me ...